IT’S TIME TO meet your body where you’re at, and move into the ripest version of you.
Are you exercising in a way that is healing or depleting for your body?
Did you know that cardio can sometimes do more harm than good?
Would you like to support your body through healing a chronic health condition?
Do you have thyroid, hormone or adrenal fatigue and would like to have a physical practice to nourish your body?
If you're curious then keep reading...
Hi, I'm Katie.
Certified Integrative Holistic Health Coach and yoga/embodiment teacher. I've spent a lot of my adult years healing chronic health issues. During this time I've been a seeker of all things healing, including (but not limited to) how to optimize body movement in a way that #1 was nourishing and not depleting, #2 was designed for the female body type, #3 would aid the body in detoxing and recovery. And after years of training, I am now so excited to offer this in a method I'm calling, The Ripe Movement Method.
With the practices in R.M.M. you will learn ways to move that support...
Nervous System Regulation
Vagus Nerve Toning
Lymph activation and detoxification
Facia Release
Build Core Strength
Heart opening
Hip opening
Move stuck emotions from the body
Feminine Movement
and much more.
The ripe Movement Method is about meeting your body where it’s at and moving into your optimal, strongest, juiciest state.