5 Day Spring reset

April 13th - April 21st 2024

You are invited to take 5 days and reset your mind, body and spirit.

You’ll be fully guided by your health coach, Katie, who will teach you new self-care practices, Ayurvedic foods and herbs that will create a natural, gentle cleanse to reignite your energy, vitality, and reset from the stagnation of winter and align with the season of Spring and renewal!

This reset is perfect if you are new to cleansing or have experience in detox and are looking for a supported reset.

This is an opportunity to align with your personal health goals. And carve out the time to reconnect with yourself in a deep and meaningful way.

Do you want…

  • A decreased craving for sugar, caffeine and processed foods?

  • Less bloating or digestive upset?

  • Deeper connection to your body and hunger cues?

  • More energy?

  • Less brain fog and more mental clarity?

  • A feeling of renewal and vitality?

  • Less sensitives?

  • Feeling more grounded and peace?

  • Tools to walk away with and continue on your own healing?

If yes, this reset is for you!

Learn the tools to move from inflamed to empowered in just 5 Days

No need for an empty schedule!

Unlike other harsh detoxes that deplete your energy and leave you feeling more tired and going in circles, this reset is designed to help you feel more nourished and allow you to maintain your schedule normally.

What's Included in the guided 5 Day Reset?

  • 2 Live Calls, daily support and check in via messaging platform

  • Easy to follow in-season recipes (this is a food-based reset/detox-no starving required!)

  • Meal Prep a 5-Day Schedule (when, how, what) + shopping lists

  • Guidelines - what to eat or not to eat!

  • Morning and Bedtime Routines

  • Self-Care Detox Guide

  • Optional Bonus Smoothie Recipes

  • Optional Bonus Juice Recipes

  • Optional Bonus Additional Supplement Guide

There will be 2 live calls with Katie + participants to set you up to get going with the details and then help you with transitioning out and carrying your reset forward with success.

The reset will run;

April 13th/14th prep days & live call April 6th 11am EST

April 15th - 19th cleanse days (with daily group check ins)

April 20th/21st transition and closing & live call

If this sounds good, I would love for you to join us!

A Typical day during the reset

Each morning you’ll have the option to start with a fresh cleansing juice, tea or water to wake up your system (all recipes included)

Breakfast will be your choice of fresh cleansing foods either warming or cooling depending on your body.

Then for lunch you’ll have a spring detox salad or nourishing whole grain and protein option and for dinner a light cleansing soup or warming meal.

During our time together you will learn Ayurvedic self-care tools to incorporate into your daily routines that will gently open your lymphatic system and release inflammation. While also creating a deep sense of physical nourishment.

You will receive supplement recommendations, tips and other detox tools will be offered as to meet individual needs and preferences.

What people say...

"Prior to seeing your Instagram post about it, I had been trying to recover after a bad bout of Hashimoto's funkiness-- constipation pain aches in all joints, migraines, I just felt toxic through & through and when I saw this opportunity I did not hesitate, just signed up instantly. I learned so many revitalizing tools and had many AHA moments! I loved all of the BIG shifts and lights this turned on in me!! I actually cut 7" off my hair this week too- let it go so it can grow, stronger & healthier. Thank you Katie!"


"I found joy in preparing meals and finding new ways to eat healthier."

- Amy

"I was surprised at how easy it was to actually go through and stick with the cleanse. With your tips I even let go of eating sugar, I can't believe it!"

- Ann

"This reset is EXACTLY what I needed! My inflammation is down and I can move much easier, I enjoyed the recipes and feel like I have so much more energy already!"

- Kathy


After living out of alignment for years that led to complete burnout, stress, anxiety, autoimmune disease and a whole mess of gut issues is what inspired Katie to go on a journey of self-healing and learn how to teach other women to do the same. 

With more than 10 years of experience in wellness, Katie Shaw is a Certified Integrative Holistic Health Coach with training in Nervous System Regulation, Feminine Form Ayurveda and Tantra.

She specializes in helping women reverse the symptoms that keep them feeling disconnected from their body and the life they're meant to live by guiding them to awaken their inner healer and become the ripest version of themselves.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the course?

You will receive all documents via email, we will go through this together and you will have it to repeat on your own in the future.

What if I can’t attend the calls live?

The first and last call will be recorded and you will have access to watch on your own schedule.

Are there extra expenses?

In the bonuses there will be optional supplements and tools you can buy to support you through your detox, however the food based cleanse will require nothing more than a grocery trip for your food for the week!

Have more questions?

Email Katie at ripewellness@gmail.com


Consult with your doctor or physician before starting any new program or taking any suggestions on this site. This site does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. This website is for informational purposes only and does not promise healing or treatment for any health condition.